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Couverture de The Weeping Sigil

The Weeping Sigil

De : Jordan Loyal Short
Lu par : Aaron Smith
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    Adrift in the void, Henrik’s rescue is only a prelude to slavery. 

    But his new life on Tyria is not at all what he expected. When the illustrious House of Quoll purchases him, Henrik finds himself living in the home of his old enemy, Prefect Brasca Quoll. Desperate to hide the truth of his last days on Heimir, Henrik dives into the murderous game of Tyrianite politics. Devastated by the catastrophe on the Norn homeworld, the Federation teeters on the brink of civil war. 

    While the Shining Ones maneuver their champions for the final confrontation, Henrik’s fevered visions unveil the scope of Moriigo’s nightmarish rebellion. 

    Aboard a stolen voidcraft, Brohr and Lyssa hurtle into the depths of the starry abyss, on a desperate exodus in search of safe haven. But the outer reaches of the system are full of strange worlds, haunted ruins, and bizarre cults. 

    As anarchy grips the streets of Tyria, Henrik vows to reveal the true peril facing the Federation: Moriigo’s return! While rival electors, assassins, and federal inquisitors plot the downfall of House Quoll, Henrik must bind himself to the future of his onetime enemies, lest the horrors of his prophetic visions come to pass!

    ©2020 Jordan Short (P)2021 Jordan Short


    "Rich in detail, bringing his tale to life with a foreboding atmosphere and characters that are intense. Good dialogue, rapid-fire action scenes, explosive magic and wicked political machinations." (Tome Tender)

    "This is extremely well-written grimdark and if you like your fantasy and sci-fi gritty...this is a book you should pick up." (Booknest)

    "The Weeping Sigil never stops. It has a relentless forward motion. It's painful, and its glorious, and there are twists and turns that I never saw coming. It made my heart pound and yes, there was even a tear or two." (Sarah Chorn, author of Seraphina's Lament)

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