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Couverture de The Wedding Game

The Wedding Game

De : Jane Feather
Lu par : Angele Masters
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    Avis de l'équipe

    Angele Master's performance of The Wedding Game , the third installment in the Duncan Sisters Trilogy, is provocative and entertaining. Dr. Douglas Farrell contacts the The Mayfair Lady, a matchmaking agency run by the Duncan sisters, looking for wealthy and well-established wife. Chastity, the youngest sister, is put off by this cold and unimpassioned request, but she is unable to turn down his business. Dr. Farrell's shockingly good looks do not sway Chastity's disapproval of his desire for money over love. But Dr. Farrell's heart is not as closed as Chastity thinks. Will she realize the truth behind Dr. Farrell's intentions? Could this man be the one she's been waiting for? Listeners will be hooked.


    In this captivating romance about the inimitable Duncan sisters and their clandestine matchmaking service, a handsome new client throws youngest sister Chastity into an unexpected quandary. Chastity listens to Dr. Douglas Farrell’s distressingly unromantic requirements for a wife: wealth and social status. Her instinct is to refuse service to the tall, muscular, dark-eyed physician, but she can’t turn away a paying client. Yet the doctor conceals a secret.

    He’s prepared to sacrifice his bachelorhood for his true passion: caring for the poorest of London’s poor. Of course, his dream requires capital. For that, he is convinced he needs a well-to-do, well-connected wife. Little does Chastity know that if she ever learned the selfless truth, the handsome doctor just might steal her heart. And if Douglas ever lifted the veil that covers this mysterious woman, he might discover his perfect match.

    ©2004 Jane Feather (P)2013 Audible Inc.

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