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Couverture de The We and the They

The We and the They

De : Kyra Ann Dawkins
Lu par : Jake Ruddle
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    “Our collective genesis guides our heartbeat as We run.”

    With nature reclaiming cities and mountainous tides drowning islands, a group of individuals—known collectively as the We—find themselves ravaged by hunger and struggling to survive. When another community—the They—promise them luxurious meals, the We are unable to decline. 

    After following the They to their farm, the We begin to notice some mysterious habits: odd sacrifices, talk of flames, and a strange book. Follow along as the We uncover the truth behind the secretive group and learn the most important part of being human.

    The We and the They is a fiction novel set in a world crumbling underneath the grip of the Great Famine. You will enjoy this audiobook if you are fascinated by oral tradition, you like considering questions about community and identity, or you just want a break from curating your “I”.

    ©2020 Kyra Ann Dawkins (P)2022 Kyra Ann Dawkins

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