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  • The Way of the Wall Street Warrior

  • Conquer the Corporate Game Using Tips, Tricks, and Smartcuts
  • De : Dave Liu, Adam Snyder
  • Lu par : Patrick Lawlor
  • Durée : 10 h et 34 min

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The Way of the Wall Street Warrior

De : Dave Liu, Adam Snyder
Lu par : Patrick Lawlor
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    In The Way of the Wall Street Warrior, 25-year veteran investment banker and finance professional, Dave Liu, delivers a humorous and irreverent insider's guide to thriving on Wall Street or Main Street. Liu offers hilarious and insightful advice on everything from landing an interview to self-promotion to getting paid.

    In this book, you'll discover: how to get that job you always wanted; why career longevity and "success" comes from doing the least amount of work for the most pay; how mastering cognitive biases and understanding human nature can help you win the rat race; how to make people think you're the smartest person in the room without actually being the smartest person in the room; how to make sure you do everything in your power to get paid well (or at least not get screwed too badly); and how to turn any weakness or liability into an asset to further your career.

    ©2022 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (P)2022 Ascent Audio

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