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The Way We Are

De : Hugh Mackay
Lu par : Hugh Mackay
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    Australia's leading social psychologist examines our society today and asks timely and urgent questions about its future.

    Life is messy. Relationships are complex. Outcomes are uncertain. Yet, none of our differences—whether based on ethnicity, politics, religion, cultural tastes and preferences, or gender—are nearly as significant as the humanity we share.

    Amidst our epidemics of loneliness, anxiety, depression, and the impacts of entrenched poverty and ubiquitous technology, The Way We Are examines the major trends that are shaking the foundations of the Australian way of life.

    Drawing on thousands of interviews over a lifetime of research, Hugh Mackay, much loved and highly respected social psychologist, presents a compelling portrait of Australia today. He celebrates the march towards gender equality and explains the stubborn persistence of misogyny, the anti-social consequences of social media, the complex legacy of the Baby Boomers, and the 'fake wisdom' that guides too much of our thinking. Exploring the steady decline in religious faith and practice, Hugh identifies the many gods we continue to worship, and points to the positive role that dreaming can play in our lives. Though some of his observations may not be easy listening, Hugh's analysis is suffused with affection for our country.

    Inspiring, provocative and powerfully argued, The Way We Are is the most important-and uplifting-book you'll listen to all year. It will encourage you to reflect deeply on the question: What kind of society do we want to become?

    'Hugh Mackay is one of this country's most perceptive social commentators.'—Sydney Morning Herald

    'Mackay is something of a national treasure.'—Canberra Times

    ©2024 Hugh Mackay (P)2024 W. F. Howes Ltd.

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