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Couverture de The Wattle Island Book Club

The Wattle Island Book Club

De : Sandie Docker
Lu par : Taylor Owynns
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    A moving and heartwarming story about taking risks and finding a new lease on life, by the bestselling author of The Banksia Bay Beach Shack.

    In 1950, teenager Anne flees Wattle Island for the big city, where she learns that establishing the life she's always dreamed of isn't as easy as she thought. When a secret she's been keeping is discovered, she has no choice but to retreat home and live a quiet life. But when tragedy strikes, establishing the Wattle Island book club is the only thing that offers her solace.

    In 2018, spirited librarian Grace has been writing bucket lists since she was a child, and is ticking off as many challenges as she can now that life has handed her a hefty dose of perspective. Heading to Wattle Island on one of her adventures, she is determined to uncover a long-held mystery surrounding the town's historic book club, unlocking a buried truth that has been trapped between the dusty pages of secrecy for years.

    All too aware of how fragile life is, Anne and Grace must come together to help the residents of Wattle Island find the bravery to move beyond the trauma that tore the book club apart. Budding relationships offer new hope, along with a library project for the town's future - but it will take more than a few lively literary debates to break the silence and heal the past.

    Welcome to the Wattle Island Book Club, where some chapters may end, but others are just beginning...

    ©2021 Sandie Docker (P)2021 Penguin Random House Australia


    'Docker soars from the absolute heart.' AUSTRALIAN WOMEN'S WEEKLY

    'The best of the best of heart-wrenching yarns.' WOMAN'S DAY

    'Perfect for a weekend read.' BETTER READING

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