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Couverture de The Water Factor

The Water Factor

De : Marilynne Eichinger
Lu par : Mira Horn
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    Dive into "The Water Factor: A Rightfully Mine Novel" by Marilynne Eichinger, Narrated by Mira Horn

    Winner of the 2024 International Firebird Book Award for best dystopian novel, "The Water Factor" is a gripping eco-thriller that explores environmental devastation and human resilience. Set in 2039, the story follows James Hokama Byrne, grandson of Chief Tahoma-Kiche, as he confronts powerful water cartels exploiting natural resources.

    Driven by a personal mission to protect his ancestral lands from exploitation by Glacier Oceanside, James embarks on a daring quest to reclaim stolen water for drought-stricken communities. His journey unveils a world of corporate greed, crime, and moral reckoning, intertwining action with themes of love, justice, and the fight for human rights.

    Authored with meticulous research and authenticity, Marilynne Eichinger collaborates closely with Native American communities and Ethiopian families, ensuring a narrative that resonates with urgency and depth. "The Water Factor" is a call to action against environmental exploitation, blending thrilling plot twists with poignant social commentary.

    If you crave compelling storytelling that merges action with romance and advocates for social justice, don't miss out on this timely and provocative novel.

    ©2024 Marilynne Eicihinger (P)2024 Marilynne Eichinger

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