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Couverture de The Warlock's Trial

The Warlock's Trial

De : Alicia Rades, Hidden Legends
Lu par : Logan Young, Jonathan M Matthews
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    The choices they make will be their greatest curse.


    We’re exiled from our coven and are being hunted by the Imperium Council, but this is far from over. To find the remaining Oaken Wands and release the witches from the wrath of the priestesses, we’ll have to go to hell and back— literally.

    But hellfire is the least of our problems. If I’m prepared to do what’s right by the coven, I’ll have to decide if I want to make a deal with our worst enemies… or lose what I hold most dear in this world.


    The priestesses have taken absolute control of the coven, openly executing anyone who stands against them, and our friends have been caught in the middle of it. All witches have been forced to choose a side, and a decision made by one of our own leads to an outcome they can never take back.

    To free ourselves and our coven, I must prove myself to my fellow reapers, and undergo a trial of death to access the height of my abilities. This time, more than our lives are on the line. The future of our coven relies on the future of our family, but our family has already been torn apart, and I don’t know if the sacrifices I have made will put it back together again.

    ©2024 Alicia Rades (P)2024 Alicia Rades

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