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  • The Wake-up Call!

  • How You Sleep Is How You Live
  • Lu par : Kim Lee
  • Durée : 3 h et 53 min

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The Wake-up Call!

Lu par : Kim Lee
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    Allow me to introduce to you this amazing revelation of sleep, "The Wake Up Call: How You Sleep is How You Live.” Let’s get tucked in and enjoy this eye-opening journey where you'll discover the incredible impact and importance of a good night's sleep. You’ll also learn more about my unique professional journey that enabled me to be the Sleep Apnea expert I am today.

    It was a blessing to be born to Trinidadian parents, who would constantly instill their culture within my upbringing, even while growing up in South Florida - the melting pot of many Caribbean immigrants. This allowed me to experience the best of both worlds, giving me a different perspective on life, and a desire to make a difference, not just in the U.S. but also in the Caribbean Islands.

    As a child, my grandmother's nightly snores never failed to stir a chuckle for my brother and I. Little did I know that years later, I'd become a Respiratory Therapist, uncovering the seriousness of her condition.

    "The Wake-Up Call" not only reveals the hidden benefits of quality sleep but also provides valuable insights into how the consequences of Sleep Apnea, Insomnia and other effects of sleep deprivation can lead to life-threatening diseases like heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, hypertension, erectile dysfunction and even mental illness. It is imperative that this information reaches the hearts and minds of everyone, so that they can experience a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life.


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