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Couverture de The Void Ascendant

The Void Ascendant

De : Premee Mohamed
Lu par : Omari Newton
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    Brought to you by Penguin.

    Seven years ago, the last survivor of Earth crashed through uncountable dimensions and fetched up in a strange new world. Now Nick Prasad owes his life and livelihood to the royal family that employs him as a prophet, even though they are servants of the Ancient Ones who destroyed his home.

    When a long-expected war breaks out, he's eager to help organise troops and supplies...until he's approached by a spy who claims to possess a secret that could end the reign of the Ancient Ones forever. The first step is jailbreaking a god who's probably been locked up a little too long (and that's the easy part).

    Nick must choose between joining a fragile resistance founded on secrets and lies, or revealing it to the enemies he's sworn to serve. But if everything works, there might be a chance to free the entire multiverse from the grasp of the Ancient Ones...both past and future.

    ©2022 Premee Mohamed (P)2022 Penguin Audio and Rebellion Publishing

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