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  • The Vinyl Diaries

  • Sex, Deep Cuts, and the Soundtrack to My Queer Joy
  • De : Pete Crighton
  • Durée : Indisponible

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The Vinyl Diaries

De : Pete Crighton
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    A poignant, funny, and lively memoir of sexual awakening, music, and discovering one's true self.

    Pete Crighton came of age in the early/mid 1980s in the shadow of HIV/AIDS. Growing up in Toronto, he was terrified that his friends and schoolmates would find out that he was “different” at a time when being gay felt like a death sentence. His only comfort was music, the songs a balm to his painful adolescence.

    Struggling to make sense of his sexuality and fear of the disease stifled Crighton as a sexual being. Instead of exploring sex, he began curating a massive music library. He then took what he thought was a safe path and entered into two long-term monogamous relationships, both doomed to fail. Finally, in his 40s, Crighton decided to ignore his fear and live his queer life to the fullest.

    The Vinyl Diaries is the story of Crighton’s mid-life sexual awakening. From one-night trysts to friendships resulting from app-based hookups, Crighton is honest and unapologetic as he chronicles the pursuit of his erotic desires. Each new connection and lover is linked to an artist, song, or album from his vast collection and backdrops the stories Crighton tells about his life, interconnected with the artists' work and histories. Kate Bush, the B52s, Prince, The Smiths, Yoko Ono, and Stevie Nicks are just a few of the artists who provide an extraordinary soundtrack to Crighton’s adventures.

    Big-hearted, funny, thoughtful, and wildly entertaining, The Vinyl Diaries is a celebration of sex, music and the discovery of our true selves.

    ©2025 Pete Crighton (P)2025 Random House Canada
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT

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