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  • The Very Eric Carle Treasury

  • The Very Busy Spider; The Very Quiet Cricket; The Very Clumsy Click Beetle; and The Very Lonely Firefly
  • De : Eric Carle
  • Lu par : Kevin R. Free
  • Durée : 19 min

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Couverture de The Very Eric Carle Treasury

The Very Eric Carle Treasury

De : Eric Carle
Lu par : Kevin R. Free
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    Four favorite “Very” stories from beloved author Eric Carle!

    Featuring The Very Busy Spider, The Very Quiet Cricket, The Very Clumsy Click Beetle, and The Very Lonely Firefly, this collection of Eric Carle stories offers listeners four complete "Very" books - narrated by Kevin R. Free with music and sound effects - in one download.  

    Along the with stories, The Very Eric Carle Treasury audiobook includes a bonus PDF with two activities, one family project, and a peanut butter beehive recipe. For existing Carle fans, or for those just listening to his stories for the first time, this audiobook is the perfect addition to every family's collection.   

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.  

    ©2017 Eric Carle (P)2021 Listening Library
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    "[T] language is simple, with rhythm, repetition, and alliteration to delight young listeners. Painted collage illustrations are lavish and expressive." (School Library Journal)

    "Sure to be loved and requested again and again, Click Beetle is a well-crafted story, joyfully illustrated, that speaks to the hearts of young children." (Library Journal)

    "Carle's richly hued, collage-like art and gentle text will be comfortingly familiar to his numerous young devotees." (Publishers Weekly)

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