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  • The Velocity of Information

  • Human Thinking During Chaotic Times
  • De : David P. Perrodin
  • Lu par : Ben Hauck
  • Durée : 6 h et 40 min

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The Velocity of Information

De : David P. Perrodin
Lu par : Ben Hauck
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    As chaos erupts, alerts screech on our cell phones and torrents of conflicting-yet-urgent messages gush from media outlets. What is the magnitude of the crisis? What is its cause? And what should people do to protect themselves?

    The Velocity of Information offers understanding to manage chaos and our complex reactions to crisis situations influenced by bias and propaganda. Recognizing indicators to judge the severity of an incident, understanding human predispositions, and joining a member check network to gauge real-time observations from people in your network provides direction to respond to the reality of a situation with impartiality, thus improving outcomes.

    *This audiobook has a companion PDF document.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2022 David P. Perrodin (P)2022 David P. Perrodin

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