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The Varieties of Religious Experience

De : William James
Lu par : Lee Winfield
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This landmark work by William James remains one of the most insightful books on psychology and spirituality. James considers the feelings, actions, and experiences of individuals, insofar as they understand themselves to be in a relationship with the divine. It examines the religion of everyday life and has nothing to do with doctrine or dogma.

Dealing objectively with a wide spectrum of observed and personally related religious experiences, James quotes from the autobiographical writings of famous authors, theologians, and mystics from many traditions including Whitman, Luther, Voltaire, Emerson, and Tolstoy. As a comprehensive survey, the work contributes to the understanding of consciousness, psychological processes, thought, and emotion.

Chapter titles include "Religion & Neurology", "The Reality of the Unseen", "The Religion of Healthy-Mindedness", "The Sick Soul", "The Divided Self", and "The Process of Unification, Conversion, Saintliness, Mysticism and Philosophy". Also serving as a plea for religious tolerance, the book has some particularly captivating sections, like those on the religion of healthy-mindedness, the sick soul, and mysticism.

Public Domain (P)2020 Museum Audiobooks
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