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Couverture de The Vanishing Season

The Vanishing Season

De : Jodi Lynn Anderson
Lu par : Cassandra Campbell
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    Girls started vanishing in the fall, and now winter's come to lay a white sheet over the horror. Door County, it seems, is swallowing the young, right into its very dirt. From beneath the house on Water Street, I've watched the danger swell.

    The residents know me as the noises in the house at night, the creaking on the stairs. I'm the reflection behind them in the glass, the feeling of fear in the cellar. I'm tied, it seems, to this house, this street, this town.

    I'm tied to Maggie and Pauline, though I don't know why. I think it's because death is coming for one of them, or both.

    All I know is that the present and the past are piling up, and I am here to dig. I am looking for the things that are buried.

    From best-selling author Jodi Lynn Anderson comes a friendship story bound in snow and starlight, a haunting mystery of love, betrayal, redemption, and the moments that we leave behind.

    ©2014 Jodi Lynn Anderson (P)2014 HarperCollins Publishers

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