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Couverture de The Vanishing

The Vanishing

De : Prerna Bindra
Lu par : Deepti Singh
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    Every year, our planet loses more than 150 species of plants and animals, and India is very much in the midst of this mass "sixth extinction". We are losing species in our backyard - where are the once ubiquitous sparrows, or the fireflies that lit up our nights? And in the forests, iconic species like the great Indian bustards are down to a hundred, while flamingoes are poised to be wiped off the map of India.

    The Vanishing takes an unflinching look at the unacknowledged crisis that India’s wildlife faces, bringing to fore the ecocide that the country’s growth story is leaving in its wake - laying to waste its forests, endangering its wildlife, even tigers whose increasing numbers shield the real story of how development projects are tearing their habitat to shreds. It tells us why extinction matters, linking the fate of wildlife to ours. The end of the gharial, an ancient crocodilian, signifies that the clear, fast-flowing rivers that are our lifelines are stilled and poisoned. The author deconstructs the raging human-wildlife conflict to show wild elephants as peaceable creatures and weaves a beautiful tale of their bond with their protectors.

    With the high-decibel development versus environment debate dominating headlines, the book reveals how the "development at all costs" model threatens our ecological and economic security. The author travels to far-flung forests to give an eyewitness account and an insider’s view of India’s vanishing natural heritage. The Vanishing is a sharp and stirring work about today's desperate scenarios and the quest for hope for a wild India.

    ©2017 Prerna Bindra (P)2020 Random House Audio

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