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  • The VaDorok (A Mate Index Alien Romance)

  • The Mate Index, Book 1
  • De : S.J. Sanders
  • Lu par : J. Ross Wilson
  • Durée : 8 h et 44 min

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Couverture de The VaDorok (A Mate Index Alien Romance)

The VaDorok (A Mate Index Alien Romance)

De : S.J. Sanders
Lu par : J. Ross Wilson
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    First contact changed things on Earth. It opened possibilities that were never before possible. In what started as a trip to participate in an cooperative study, Sara found herself a test subject for breeding compatibility by a species known as the Agraak. Determined that she would not submit to be bred and relocated to serve as a breeder for the rest of her life, she escaped into the wilds of a hostile subarctic planet. Not knowing who to trust, and almost dying on the ice flows, she is rescued by a male larger than life whom her body craves.


    A warrior-priest of the VaDorok, Vidok had long given up hope of finding his ulukska, his mate. When he finds a tiny female off-worlder on the ice flows of the far northern territory who brings forth his mating heat, his life changes. To keep her, he not only has to help her save her companions, but must also risk their love facing repercussions among his tribe and the intergalactic council. 

    Trigger-warning: the first two chapters contain elements involving rape.

    ©2019 Samantha J. Sanders (P)2019 Samantha J. Sanders

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