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Couverture de The Up Level Project

The Up Level Project

De : Hanneke Antonelli
Lu par : Hanneke Antonelli
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    Number one New Release in Leadership and Training, Business Consulting, and Strategy and Competition within 24 hours of launching.

    The Up Level Project is a business and leadership book with a memoir flair.

    Starting with a traumatic event that changed her forever, two-time award-winning entrepreneur and certified life coach, Hanneke Antonelli, takes listeners on a journey to hone their entrepreneurial skills and scale more profitable businesses without sacrificing their freedom.

    As a business owner, you constantly strive to reach that next level of financial and time freedom. You're aiming to reach your full potential. And your quest is not an easy one. You're faced with new challenges, more things to do, and a bigger team to lead.

    So how do you stay focused and motivated to keep showing upwithout burning out? How do you rise to the occasion and break through to the next level when, sometimes, all you want to do is cut your losses and run?

    By sharing vulnerable stories about how she overcame depression after landing in a psychiatric ward and about how she faced sexual harassment while working on Wall Street, Hanneke illustrates how those challenges led her to become the best version of herself. She shows readers how she persevered and started from scratch in three cities across the globe and built two award-winning businesses in under five years. Throughout the book, Hanneke empowers listeners with the strategies and tools to achieve sustainable success.

    Order your copy now!

    ©2021, 2023 Hanneke Antonelli (P)2023 Hanneke Antonelli

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