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The Unusual Science and Technology Five Books Bundle

De : Martin K. Ettington
Lu par : Martin K. Ettingotn
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This is a really eclectic and fascinating bundle of five books on science and technology, all in one volume.

Future Predictions by an Engineer and Seer
This book does a thoroughly researched analysis of current trends in science, technology, and social dynamics. Then three factors - trend projections, paradigm shift estimates, and intuition - are used to project what society will be like out to 1,000 years in the future.

Aliens and Secret Technology - A Theory of the Hidden Truth
Is there secret technology which the United States government is keeping secret about anti-gravity and, possibly, about zero point energy? This book reviews the history of secret technology projects back to the Nazis in World War Two, and what our government has likely developed since then.

Designing and Building Space Colonies - A Blueprint for the Future
What is our probable future about building colonies in space? What technology will be needed? What technologies from the International Space Station can also help with developing space habitats? And what does the far future hold for space habitats?

On Using the Scientific Method to Study the Paranormal
This is my first book, written in the year 2000, but it still has some important observations about the limitations of the scientific method, the scale of believability, and much more.

The 10 Principles of Personal Longevity & Personal Freedom
I developed these principles after five years of research into longevity, including records of many people who lived well into their 100s - and even over 200 years. When you live by these principles, you have a good chance of living decades longer than a normal life expectancy.

©2018 Martin K. Ettington (P)2018 Martin K. Ettington
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