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Couverture de The Untold Story of Destiny

The Untold Story of Destiny

De : Kike Calvo
Lu par : Tanya O'Sullivan
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    Follow the journey of Destiny, a Venus Flytrap Plant, as he floats through the river of life. Born into a big family, Destiny got swept away by heavy rains and finds himself separated. He discovers for the first time, the meaning of loneliness, friendship, and time.

    "In this highly engaging, fantastical journey through nature, follow Destiny, a Venus flytrap plant, from humble beginnings as a tiny seed to maturation as an adult flowering plant, ready to fulfill this vulnerable species' ecological role as an insect carnivore in a healthy, functioning ecosystem. This book's compelling narrative, combined with its spectacular photographs, will immortalize Destiny's ecological destiny for children forever." (Brian Boom, The New York Botanical Garden, Curator Emeritus)

    ¨Every kid wants to grow a Venus Flytrap. Most fail because they do not understand the role of the environment. Every organism needs its habitat. The lesson in this story is that friends who surround us in a suitable landscape of nurturing, make all the difference in survival." (Larry Mellichamp, Ph.D.UNC Charlotte Botanical Gardens, Director, Author of Bizarre Bonanicals and Native Plants of the Southeast)

    ©2023 Kike Calvo (P)2023 Kike Calvo
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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