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Couverture de The Unseen Hand

The Unseen Hand

De : Jenny Ashford
Lu par : Jenny Ashford
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    Rapping on the walls. Mysterious rains of stones. Furniture moving around by itself. Phantom voices. Unexplained fires. Invisible assaults. The symptoms of poltergeist activity are well known, but what is a poltergeist, really? Is it some type of demon, or an angry spirit whose only mission is to cause mischief and destruction? Is it the unconscious energy of a troubled living person, somehow affecting the environment from a distance? Or could it all be simply fraud or misidentification? In this comprehensive book, well over 100 cases of poltergeist activity, from the first century to the present day, are summarized and examined. All the best-known cases are presented, from Borley Rectory to the Bell Witch, from the Great Amherst Mystery to Gef the Talking Mongoose, from Rosenheim to Tina Resch, from Enfield to the Entity. A large selection of fascinating and lesser-known accounts from all over the world are also included, and all contain testimony of the most eerie and extraordinary events. In addition, the book contains in-depth discussions of distinct patterns, stages, and theorized causes of poltergeist phenomena, drawing from some of the best research in parapsychology, neuroscience, and quantum mechanics, as well as a skeptical perspective to provide a grounded overview. The Unseen Hand is the ultimate one-stop-shop for listeners interested in poltergeist disturbances throughout history and the theories behind what causes them.

    ©2017 Jennifer Ashford (P)2017 Jennifer Ashford

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