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Couverture de The Unravelling

The Unravelling

De : Polly Crosby
Lu par : Katherine Press
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    Two women.
    A wild Island.
    A truth buried deep in the past.

    ‘Like a surreal cabinet of curiosities – haunting, eerie, evocative’ Bridget Collins, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Binding

    ‘This moving tale is set in a mesmerising world’ Heat

    ‘Polly Crosby whips up a lush, mythical world in this dream-like novel . . . A book worm’s treat!’Eve Chase, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Glass House

    Tartelin Brown is all alone in the world. So when she sees an advert for a job on a remote island, she knows she has nothing to lose.

    Her employer, Marianne Stourbridge, is a woman as strange and mysterious as the place she inhabits.

    Tasked with hunting butterflies for Marianne’s research, Tartelin quickly uncovers evidence of something even more intriguing – for Marianne has a remarkable past.

    Determined to piece together the story, Tartelin must first confront her own. But what she discovers on the island is more terrible and heart-breaking than she could ever have imagined.

    Atmospheric and deeply emotional, The Unravelling is the captivating novel from the author of The Illustrated Child.

    ©2021 Polly Crosby (P)2021 HarperCollins Publishers Limited

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