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Couverture de The Unlikeliest Friends

The Unlikeliest Friends

De : Cameron Alana Brown, Terry Brown
Lu par : Davina Oriakhi
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    In a world where paths are often obscured and choices seem limited, Adam the raccoon finds himself at a crossroads. Born into the wrong environment and unwittingly surrounded by the wrong crowd, it appears his fate is sealed. But destiny has other plans.

    Fate intervenes, weaving a tale of true companionship and acceptance beyond prejudice. It whispers of genuine friendship, where judgments hold no sway and connections transcend the expected. Adam, burdened by the pressure to conform, seeks solace in unexpected quarters.

    Enter a skunk and a cat–unlikely allies who understand the sting of judgment and the solace of empathy. Together, they shatter the barriers of prejudice, wielding compassion as their ink and understanding as their parchment. Their journey forms the heart of "The Unlikeliest Friends".

    Amidst the twists and turns of destiny, one truth emerges: within the embrace of friendship, even the most improbable companions find solace, courage, and the power to rewrite their own stories of "The Unlikeliest Friends" and discover a world where acceptance reigns supreme and friendships last a lifetime.

    ©2024 Wear My Pain Publishing (P)2024 Wear My Pain Publishing
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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