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Couverture de The Unique World of Women

The Unique World of Women

De : Eugenia Price
Lu par : Nan McNamara
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    In The Unique World of Women, Eugenia Price creates unforgettable, intimate portraits of Keturah, Mary of Jerusalem, and other women from the Bible and relates their troubles to the dilemmas women face today. She reinforces the notion that God needed women then and he needs them now - women who will witness to his love and use their unique sensitivity and compassion in order to better our fragmented and ailing society. In simple yet provocative language, Ms. Price shares what she has learned from these Biblical women, what God has taught her, and what he is still trying to teach women today. Originally published to great acclaim in 1969, The Unique World of Women is filled with Eugenia Price’s sage advice on how 20th-century women can learn from the trials and tribulations suffered by the women of the Bible.

    ©1969 Eugenia Price (P)2021 Dreamscape Media, LLC

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