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  • The Undiscovered Descendants

  • Book One in the Nordri Series
  • De : Jo Visuri
  • Lu par : Hana Lass
  • Durée : 10 h et 59 min

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The Undiscovered Descendants

De : Jo Visuri
Lu par : Hana Lass
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    A captivating real-world fantasy adventure filled with intrigue, suspense, Norse mythology, magical objects, and special abilities, Jo Visuri's best-selling tale will sweep you away to mystical Auor Island - where nothing is quite as it seems!

    A remote island. Old secrets. And a cascade of unintended consequences. Long ago, four clans from earth's four corners were given magical abilities to help save humanity from oblivion. For generations, their descendants have lived in hidden communities and occasionally intermingled with regular humans—leading to whispers of unforeseen consequences. Now, in the present-day and for unknown purposes, one Clan quietly and desperately seeks the rumored, undiscovered offspring.

    Meanwhile, in the heart of a northern archipelago, Elin Bodil leads a perfectly ordinary, happy life on Auor Island with her family. When, through accident and circumstance, she meets both a motorcycle-driving stranger and the new mysterious boy next door, Elin's world is turned upside down. As Elin is drawn into a brewing supernatural conflict - with her two unusual acquaintances on opposite sides, she must decipher who to trust while unearthing her island's secrets and those buried deep within herself. But when the search for answers triggers the Clan's sinister schemes, Elin and her companions will have to confront far bigger and deadlier secrets than they ever imagined. And they'll need much more than themselves to survive! Welcome to Auor Island - and the legend and magic within its ruins!

    Told from the perspective of Elin and her two unusual acquaintances, the best-selling first-in-series book blends Norse myth, magic, adventure, science fiction, and fantasy with a touch of romance. Delighting listeners of all ages, The Undiscovered Descendants is perfect for fans of real-world fantasy adventures with heart and tales of family, friendship, secret societies, hidden worlds, and magic powers.

    ©2021 Jo Visuri (P)2022 Jo Visuri

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