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Couverture de The Undiscovered Deaths of Grace McGill

The Undiscovered Deaths of Grace McGill

De : C.S. Robertson
Lu par : Lauren Lyle
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    Some people die alone and someone has to clean what's left behind - houses, bodies, memories and old, dark secrets.

    Grace McGill is an insular, friendless woman, living in Glasgow in her 30s. She has her beloved cat, and she has her own business - deep cleaning the houses of Undiscovereds. People who die alone and stay that way until they are found weeks, sometimes months, later.

    While working in the home of a man named Tommy Agnew, her suspicions are aroused by a hidden photograph and a stack of newspapers, all from the same date over many, many years.

    Grace can't get the mysterious life and sad death of Tommy Agnew out of her head, and she soon begins an investigation that could cost her her life. The past has stayed buried for many years already, but Grace has never been one to brush things under the carpet....

    A stand-out novel with a unique narrative voice and an unguessable mystery. You are guaranteed to remember Grace McGill.

    ©2022 C.S. Robertson (P)2022 Hodder & Stoughton Limited


    "A dark, disturbing and highly original thriller. You'll love Grace McGill." (Mark Billingham)

    "Dark, twisted and compelling, you won't want Grace to clean your house...." (C.L. Taylor)

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