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Couverture de The Tyrant's Daughter

The Tyrant's Daughter

De : I.D. Marie
Lu par : Zack Rosenfeld
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    Welcome to the Empire of Pangaea: a land of legends, mutants, technological marvels, and every form of sin you can imagine. Peace should be within reach in a world united under the global empire. But as a new species of superpowered mutants starts to grow in number, so does unrest.

    As the world teeters on the edge of war, two enemies must become unlikely allies. Arianne Murray, a forgotten warrior princess, and Blackjack, an infamous bounty hunter, must put aside their differences to survive the growing chaos. Their abilities and humanity are tested as they are thrown into a dystopian journey of survival and forced to grapple with feral mutants, deadly tricksters, and a tyrant who will stop at nothing until he owns the world.

    Prepare to take flight in the action-packed first installment of the five-part Legends of Pangaea series concocted in the underground labs of Pangaea. The chemical formula is perfect for sci-fi fans who love comic book superpowers, fast-paced action, and romantic spice.

    ©2023 Isabel Dunning (P)2024 Isabel Dunning

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