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Couverture de The Two Mrs. Carlyles

The Two Mrs. Carlyles

De : Suzanne Rindell
Lu par : Elizabeth Romanski
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    A suspenseful and addictive descent into obsession, love, and murder in the wake of San Francisco's most deadly earthquake - and Suzanne Rindell's most haunting novel since her acclaimed debut, The Other Typist.

    Which wife holds the darker secret?

    San Francisco, 1906. Violet is one of three people grateful for the destruction of the big earthquake. It leaves her and her two best friends unexpectedly wealthy - if the secret that binds them together stays buried beneath the rubble. Fearing discovery, the women strike out on their own, and orphaned wallflower Violet reinvents herself.

    When a whirlwind romance with the city's most eligible widower, Harry Carlyle, lands her in a luxurious mansion as the second Mrs. Carlyle, it seems like her dreams of happiness and love have come true. But all is not right in the Carlyle home, and Violet soon finds herself trapped by the lingering specter of the first Mrs. Carlyle and by the inescapable secrets of her own violent history.

    ©2020 Suzanne Rindell (P)2020 Penguin Audio


    "Sizzles with tension from its first pages to its last.... In a lushly imagined tribute to Daphne du Maurier and Charlotte Brontë, Rindell fills her historical Gold Coast with brooding bachelors, arsenic victims, and unquiet spirits." (Lyndsay Faye, author of Jane Steele)

    “If you loved Rindell’s The Other Typist, if you adored Jane Eyre, if you were riveted by Rebecca, you will be enthralled by The Two Mrs. Carlyles.... Eerie and suspenseful...Rindell reminds her readers how quickly trust can be shattered.” (Amy Poeppel, author of Small Admissions)

    “Evil is endlessly imaginative and such dark fun, whether set in 1906 or today. The Two Mrs. Carlyles makes that abundantly clear.” (Rita Mae Brown, author of Rubyfruit Jungle and the Sneaky Pie mystery series)

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