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Couverture de The Twits Next Door

The Twits Next Door

De : Greg James, Chris Smith, Emily Jones - illustrator
Lu par : Greg James, Chris Smith
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    Brought to you by Puffin.

    A wickedly funny and prank-filled adventure starring one of Roald Dahl’s most hilarious and popular creations, The Twits. This brand-new and deliciously revolting story is brilliantly written by internationally bestselling authors and children’s literacy advocates Greg James and Chris Smith.

    Mr and Mrs Twit are just about as nasty and revolting as two people can get. The only thing that brings the two of them pleasure is playing pranks on one another. But, when a new family called the Lovelies move in next door, with their lively 10-year-old twins, they teach The Twits to stop being so mean and horrible and they all live happily ever after . . . Ha! Not really. The Twits HATE the Lovelies.

    But how far will The Twits go to rid themselves of their horribly nice new neighbours? And what happens when these new neighbours, who are armed with utter loveliness, start to fight back?

    ©2024 Greg James and Chris Smith (P)2024 Penguin Audio
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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