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Couverture de The Truth About Triangles

The Truth About Triangles

De : Michael Leali
Lu par : Mark Sanderlin
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    A heartfelt contemporary middle grade novel perfect for fans of Front Desk, following Luca Salvatore, a young gay Italian American trying to save his family’s pizza restaurant and a life that feels like it’s falling apart after he learns that his parents may be separating and his first crush and best friend might be into each other.

    Twelve-year-old Luca Salvatore is always running interference: in arguments between his younger twin siblings, in his parents’ troubled marriage, and between Will, the cute new boy in town, and Luca’s best friend, June, who just can’t seem to get along.

    When the host of his favorite culinary TV show announces an open call for submissions for its final season, Luca is sure getting his family's failing pizzeria on the show will save it and bring his falling-apart family together. Surprisingly, securing a spot is easier than kneading dough—but when the plan to fix everything comes out burned, Luca is left scrambling to figure out just the right recipe to bring his family and his friends back together.

    From Lambda Literary finalist Michael Leali, The Truth About Triangles is full of heart, perfect for fans of Lisa Jenn Bigelow, Kelly Yang, and Maulik Pancholy.

    ©2023 Michael Leali (P)2023 HarperCollins Publishers
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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