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Couverture de The Truth About Saint Joseph

The Truth About Saint Joseph

De : Fr. Maurice Meschler SJ, Andrew P. Ganss SJ - translator
Lu par : Mike Chamberlain
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    Joseph is the most hidden of the saints a simple, retiring, and humble man of Nazareth. His exterior life reveals nothing extraordinary or striking. Yet he is exalted by the church as, next to Mary herself, the greatest of all the saints and even Patron of the Universal Church. Do you know why?

    Apparently, the church knows more about St. Joseph than most of us do. This remarkable book finally breaks the silence. Drawing not on private revelations or pious legends, this beautiful and edifying work unearths many truths about St. Joseph hidden in the Gospel, to bring them to light and make use of them in Joseph's honor.

    Here you'll encounter surprising details about the life Joseph led on earth in the most intimate companionship of Christ as well as the role he is playing even today in the life of the Universal Church.

    Among the things you'll discover:

    • Why it's essential that Joseph be descended from King David
    • Why this descendent of Kings was fated to live in poverty and obscurity

    - And more!

    ©2017 John L. Barger (P)2021 Tantor

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