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The Truth About Failure

De : David Adam Kurz
Lu par : Shanon Weaver
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Forbes States that 87 percent of businesses fail within the first five years.

Business failure is an epidemic! Too many people realize they are talented and passionate about a thing and start a business. The bad news is that while talent and passion are essential to sustaining a business, it will only succeed if you have the proper structure and system to operate it.

Since when has it been okay to fail forward?

What if you could create the correct systems and processes, learn to assess people, hire the right mentor, and hasten the road to success without traveling through failure-ville? Too many people have been duped into believing the path to success goes through failure. If that’s what you believe, and that’s what you sow, that’s what you’ll reap.

Three-time author David Adam Kurz is a dynamic real estate professional and the visionary founder of The Freedom Organization. This top firm provides exceptional sales training, business coaching, and consulting globally.

Written in an unapologetic, easy-to-understand style, The Truth About Failure pulls back the curtain and shows why some people are successful and others are not.

“I got tired of seeing many people fail and just accept it! I don’t know what some of these “gurus” are selling when they say failure is acceptable. I’m comfortable going against the grain. Instead of failing and learning, how about establishing proven systems, assessing people, and finding the right mentor to guide you to success without drudging through failure-ville? Seriously, screw failure. Win now!” (David Adam Kurz)

Everyone goes through hardships, faces battles, slips on curvy roads, trips on bumps on the street, and goes through tremendous stress as they work to make their goals their realities. But too many do it to themselves! Follow Mr. Kurz’s proven formula, and find yourself wealthier and happier than ever imagined.

You are not entitled to be successful; no one is.

©2023 David Adam Kurz (P)2023 David Adam Kurz
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