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  • The Trump Prophecies: Updated and Expanded

  • The Astonishing True Story of the Man Who Saw Tomorrow...and What He Says Is Coming Next
  • De : Mark Taylor
  • Lu par : Treg Monty
  • Durée : 7 h et 17 min

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The Trump Prophecies: Updated and Expanded

De : Mark Taylor
Lu par : Treg Monty
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    In November of 2016, the world witnessed the impossible. Nearly every household in America was tuned in to the election feeds, and every update pointed to a loss for the Republican Party. But when the map of the states flipped red in the final hour, there were a select few who weren't surprised. They had always known Trump was going to win. He was chosen for such a time as this. The prophecy had said so. This prophet, this reserved man of God, was retired firefighter Mark Taylor. The word given by the Holy Spirit was delivered on April 28, 2011, years before Trump's victory. The election, however, was only the beginning.

    In this UPDATED AND EXPANDED release of The Trump Prophecies, Defender Publishing revisits what the Lord revealed to Mark Taylor in both the celebrated "Commander-In-Chief Prophecy" that played such a key role in bolstering Trump's 2016 win, as well as many other messages the Holy Spirit inspired Taylor to write about what would transpire next for the most powerful nation on earth today.

    Fast forward... Have Taylor's prophecies come true? Is Trump who he said he was, and is he delivering on the promises he made during his campaign? And what of the other prophecies God gave Mark regarding economics, criminal justice, leadership turnover in the Supreme Court, and several other specific details? Have all of these inspired writings carried equal reliability as Taylor's "Commander-In-Chief" prophecy? So far, Mark Taylor is batting a thousand.

    In THE TRUMP PROPHECIES, UPDATED AND EXPANDED, listeners will discover which of Mark Taylor's prophecies have already been fulfilled, what led to the miracle of the 2016 election, the role of we the people for the will of God in the future (including what Taylor has identified about a second term for Trump), and what the Body of Christ needs to do to keep His blessing on our nation.

    ©2019 Defender Publishing (P)2024 Defender Publishing

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