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The Tribulation and Armageddon

De : Larry Hill
Lu par : Darcey Kobs
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My book, The Rapture, started the saga of the books that recount the events that will happen at the end of the world. The Rapture is available as a single book. The Tribulation starts right after the Rapture and after God has taken all of his children off the earth the events of the Tribulation begin, and they will go on for seven long years. Some notable things that will happen during the Tribulation are the Gog-Magog War, the peace treaty between Israel and the Arab-speaking countries will be broken, and the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet come to power. Many other events occur, and the Battle of Armageddon is still to come. I hope this is an easy-to-understand telling of the last book of the Bible.

©2020, 2021 Larry Ray Hill (P)2021 Larry Hill
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