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  • The Treasure of the Sandy Shores

  • Mynecraft Adventures
  • De : JC Writer
  • Lu par : SL Albert
  • Durée : 51 min

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Couverture de The Treasure of the Sandy Shores

The Treasure of the Sandy Shores

De : JC Writer
Lu par : SL Albert
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    Join John and his companions in 'The Treasure of the Sandy Shores,' the exciting follow-up to the beloved adventure in the Mynecraft world. As summer arrives in the village of Blockshire, the group sets out to explore the beautiful Sandy Shores, a beach paradise filled with golden sands and crystal-clear waters. When they discover an old map leading to a legendary sunken ship, their vacation turns into an epic quest for hidden treasures.

    From diving into underwater ruins to uncovering the secrets of a mysterious island, John and his friends face thrilling challenges and forge unbreakable bonds. Perfect for fans of Mynecraft and adventure, this heartwarming tale celebrates the spirit of friendship and the joy of discovery.

    ©2024 JC Writer (P)2024 JC Writer

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