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Couverture de The Transatlantic Book Club: A Novel

The Transatlantic Book Club: A Novel

De : Felicity Hayes-McCoy
Lu par : Marcella Riordan
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    The beloved author of The Mistletoe Matchmaker returns with an enchanting new novel, perfect for fans of Jenny Colgan, Nina George, and Nancy Thayer, about residents of Ireland's Finfarran Peninsula who set up a Skype book club with the little US town of Resolve, where generations of Finfarran's emigrants have settled.

    Distance makes no difference to love....

    Eager to cheer up her recently widowed gran, Cassie Fitzgerald, visiting from Canada, persuades Lissbeg Library to set up a Skype book club, linking readers on Ireland's Finfarran Peninsula with the US town of Resolve, home to generations of Finfarran emigrants. 

    But when the club decides to read a detective novel, old conflicts on both sides of the ocean are exposed and hidden love affairs come to light. As secrets emerge, Cassie fears she may have done more harm than good. Will the truths she uncovers about her granny Pat's marriage affect her own hopes of finding love? Is Pat, who's still struggling with the death of her husband, about to fall out with her oldest friend, Mary? Or could the book club itself hold the key to a triumphant transatlantic happy ending? 

    The Transatlantic Book Club continues the stories of the residents of the Finfarran Peninsula and introduces listeners to new characters who they will surely fall in love with.

    ©2020 Felicity Hayes-McCoy (P)2020 HarperCollins Publishers

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