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Couverture de The Tindims and the Floating Moon

The Tindims and the Floating Moon

De : Sally Gardner
Lu par : Sally Gardner
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    The tiny Tindims are like the Borrowers-on-Sea, who turn our everyday rubbish into treasure. The Mother-and-daughter duo of prizewinning Sally Gardner and Lydia Corry create a fun new world of characters and adventures in their empowering new series for five- to eight-year-olds that inspires conservation and inventive ways to recycle.

    In the fourth Tindim adventure, a glow-in-the-dark squid, drawn by the light of the moon, has wandered far from its friends on the ocean bed to the lake on Rubbish Island. The Tindims are puzzled by their new shiny lake, but with the help of Spokes, Barnacle Bow and a rather special invention, they discover the squid and try to help it on its way home again.

    ©2021 Sally Gardner (P)2021 W F Howes

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