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Couverture de The Tinderbox

The Tinderbox

De : Beverly Lewis
Lu par : Stina Nielsen
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    On the day before her Amish parents' 20th wedding anniversary, Sylvia Miller stumbles across the key to the old brass tinderbox her father keeps in his Lancaster County watch repair shop. Piqued by curiosity, Sylvia unlocks the cherished heirloom, not realizing that what she is about to discover will splinter apart her happy life. 

    Once Sylvia overcomes her shock, she confronts her father about the contents of the box. To her amazement, the respected convert to the Old Order admits that he is not fit to be a member of the Hickory Hollow Amish church - in fact, he never was. 

    Burdened by the weight of his deception, Earnest Miller reveals the details about his past to Sylvia - and to his wife, Rhoda. The long-kept secret alters everything for the close-knit family, and when word of Earnest's deceit reaches others in the community, the truth pits Amish neighbors against one another and threatens to dry up Earnest's livelihood - as well as to break up Sylvia's engagement to the preacher's grandson. 

    Can the Millers find a way forward through the turmoil to a place of forgiveness and acceptance?

    ©2019 Beverly Lewis (P)2019 Recorded Books

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