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  • The Time-Wise Gardener

  • Fast and Fabulous: Quick and Easy Time-Saving Perennial Gardening Techniques and Strategies
  • De : K. K. Campbell
  • Lu par : K. K. Campbell
  • Durée : 1 h et 55 min

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The Time-Wise Gardener

De : K. K. Campbell
Lu par : K. K. Campbell
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    No time? No problem!

    In your active, on-the-go life have you ever wondered, “How will I ever find the time to create a garden that I will love?” Everyone is so busy these days. Just because you are busy does not rule out having a vibrant, colorful, deliciously scented flower garden. Have your garden and your time too using the time-saving tips and strategies presented in The Time-Wise Gardener

    Time management in the garden is a neglected topic. The Time-Wise Gardener, as the busy person’s gardening guide, is the remedy. You will learn perennial gardening essentials for the time-strapped gardener. Unlock your schedule using the time-saving techniques presented in precise, to-the-point chapters.

    • So many plants, so little time - Ideas, suggestions and advice for selecting time-friendly plants
    • Garden maintenance - How to maintain your grounds in a quick, efficient and effective manner
    • Invest time and/or money to save time - Just like it takes money to make money, sometimes it takes a little up-front investment of time or money to save yourself a great deal of time down the road
    • Pick a tool, but pick the right tool - Crucial advice on tools that will streamline your efforts on the way to a lush, beautiful perennial garden
    • Sprayers - A separate chapter for people interested in using sprayers and the time-saving benefits they provide

    The Time-Wise Gardener presents suggestions in quick, easily digestible sections and clearly defined topics so you can fit listening to this audiobook into your schedule as time allows. Don’t let another year roll by without lovely flowers and plants in your life simply because you are busy. This book will speed you on your way to the flowers you love within the time that you have.

    ©2020 K.K. Campbell (P)2020 K.K. Campbell

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