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  • The Tilian Effect

  • The Pandemic Sequence, Book 2
  • De : Tom Calen
  • Lu par : Scott Aiello
  • Durée : 7 h et 55 min

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The Tilian Effect

De : Tom Calen
Lu par : Scott Aiello
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    Avis de l'équipe

    Now that the survivors of the Tilian virus have reached the safe haven of New Cuba, they set about rebuilding civilization. However, the dark secret of one of the group threatens their fragile trust, and a new threat is brewing in the wastelands of America. Narrator Scott Aiello returns in this second installment of The Pandemic Sequence series, ramping up his focus on familiar characters and plumbing new emotional depths. Aiello puts his voice through its paces, deftly juggling the multiple arcs of the story and providing fresh insight into the complex relationships between the survivors.


    Solace. Shelter. Safety.

    For the survivors of the Tilian Virus, they thought their escape would lead them to a new beginning. But the effects of the virus reach far beyond simply infection. A trusted member of the survivors hides a horrible past.

    While in the wastelands of America, a new threat grows. The bonds of friendship strain and shatter. And the Tils become more deadly than ever.

    The virus was just the beginning. Now the world must face the Tilian Effect.

    ©2012 Tom Calen (P)2013 Audible, Inc.

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