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Couverture de The Three Muscleteers

The Three Muscleteers

De : Ed Connors
Lu par : Ed Connors
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    The Three Muscleteers is the story of Gold’s Gym and what’s now known around the world as the fitness industry.

    Not long ago, athletes of most popular sports—football, basketball, baseball—never lifted weights. Coaches and trainers, even doctors, were against it, especially for women.

    The film Pumping Iron, which made Arnold Schwarzenegger a star, was shot at Gold’s Gym. That, along with the explosion of bodybuilding competitions that followed throughout the 80s, was a “big bang" moment. Thanks to the trifecta of Joe Weider’s fitness magazines, Arnold’s stardom, and Gold’s Gym, the fitness industry was transformed.

    As one of the three owners of Gold’s Gym during its golden years, Ed Connors will inspire with his success stories of hundreds of visitors to his home in Venice, CA (only blocks from Gold’s Gym). Visitors he believed were destined for greatness, like action film star and WWE
    champion John Cena, who helped make Gold’s Gym "the Mecca" and the largest gym chain in the world.

    Ed believes life is half fate and half what you do with it. The Three Muscleteers amplifies the importance of taking risks, creating the perfect team, and never giving up—inspiring bodybuilders, wrestlers, athletes, actors, architects, CEOs, and anyone willing to take a chance to flex their own muscles.

    ©2022, 2023 Creators Publishing (P)2023 Creators Publishing

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