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The Three Companions

De : Joan van den Brink
Lu par : Tara Ward, Vera Chok, Raj Ghatak
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Is there someone in your life who always seems to know the right thing to say, do and feel?

Do you wish you could be more like that too? The truth is that you can, and this motivating and inspiring guide will show you how.

Courage, compassion and wisdom are three companions that accompany us through our entire lives. Learning to unlock and harness their power, uniting them to act together in synergy, is the key to a happier life – not just for you, but for those around you too.

Combining illuminating real-life stories from real-world people with expert, practical guidance consultant and executive coach, Dr Joan van den Brink takes you on a fascinating journey of reflection and realisation.

Discover how courage, compassion and wisdom has a profound impact on everyday situations and recognise how your own three companions can help you:> Behave in line with your ideals as you increase your self-insight> Feel resilient and robust in difficult and challenging times> Be more tolerant, patient and understanding of others’ needs and behaviours> Build your self-esteem, confidence and feelings of positivity> Grow in humility and generosity towards others> Develop stronger, more rewarding relationships at home and at work.

As you learn to define, develop and display the virtues of the three companions, you’ll feel empowered to live your whole life, and enable others to live theirs, with courage, compassion and wisdom.

©2023 Joan van den Brink (P)2023 Joan ven den Brink
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