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Couverture de The Thing About Bees

The Thing About Bees

De : Shabazz Larkin
Lu par : Shabazz Larkin, Legend Larkin, Royal Larkin, Ashley Larkin
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    An exploration of the importance of bees in our world is offered through the author’s lyrical observations to his young sons, often with analogies between the insects and children, and always beautifully presented with unconditional love for them both.

    ©2019 Shabazz Larkin (P)2020 Live Oak Media
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    "Shabazz Larkin delivers a lively and joyful audiobook companion to his picture book all about appreciating bees. Larkin narrates with warmth as he describes the important role that bees play in pollinating plants and making a picnic's worth of fruits grow. Legend and Royal add giggles, yelps, and exclamations, while Ashley Larkin's bright voice narrates headings and labels. Buzzing bees, light piano music, and bongo drums add to the fun." (AudioFile magazine)

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