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Couverture de The Terms Of Inheritance

The Terms Of Inheritance

De : Michelle Upton
Lu par : Annabelle Tudor
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    Four sisters. A vast fortune. And a mother who thinks she knows best ...

    Where there's a will, there's a way.

    A funny, moving, brilliantly observed story about letting go of the past

    When multi-millionaire Jacki Turner is forced to take stock of her life, she sets her daughters a challenge - in order to inherit her vast fortune, each must fulfil a task that she believes will push them to become better versions of themselves.

    Rose, an exhausted mother of three, must write and publish a children's picture book. Exercise-hater Mel must run the Gold Coast marathon. Isla, the eldest, must figure out who she is beyond her wealth and status, while commitment-phobic Jess must stay in a relationship for longer than three months.

    For each, Jacki's terms seem an impossible task, bringing painful wounds to the surface and straining tenuous relationships. But when the sisters are faced with an unexpected turn of events, they must learn how to move forward and forgive, or risk losing it all.


    'A delightful debut from an exciting new voice in Australian fiction' Rachael Johns

    'A touching family drama with deft moments of heartache, humour and warmth' Nicola Moriarty

    'A darkly funny tale about the meaning of family and the meaning of life. A delight to read!' Petronella McGovern

    'Moving, funny and sharp ... A a gorgeous novel for all mothers and daughters' Kelli Hawkins

    'Funny, warm and wise ... What a joy' Meredith Jaffe

    'A joyful rollercoaster ride about ambition, determination, honesty and the shifting dynamics of a family' Cass Moriarty

    'Witty, warm and wise ... An uplifting story about family life as our biggest challenge and our greatest comfort.' Sara Foster

    ©2022 Michelle Upton (P)2022 HarperCollins Publishers

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