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Couverture de The Tenth Song

The Tenth Song

De : Naomi Ragen
Lu par : Karen White
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    When life is at its best, the unimaginable can shatter everything you think you know... Abigail Samuels has no reason to feel anything but joy on the morning her life falls apart. The epitome of the successful Jewish American woman, she is married to a well-known and respected accountant and is in the middle of planning her daughter Kayla's wedding. Kayla, too, wakes up that morning with the world in the palm of her hand. Having lived the charmed life of a well-loved child from a happy family, she is bright, pretty, a Harvard law student who has never really questioned the path she found herself on.

    With a shocking suddenness, all that is smashed to pieces in ways they could never have dreamed. When a heartbroken Kayla runs away to a desert commune run by a charismatic mystic, Abigail rushes to save her, only to find that there is nothing more whole than a broken heart.

    ©2010 Naomi Ragen (P)2010 Tantor


    "A page-turner illustrating the horrifying consequences of becoming embroiled in the American legal system." ( Kirkus Reviews)

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