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  • The Ten Equations That Rule the World

  • And How You Can Use Them Too
  • De : David Sumpter
  • Lu par : Sean Runnette
  • Durée : 8 h et 54 min

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The Ten Equations That Rule the World

De : David Sumpter
Lu par : Sean Runnette
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    Is there a secret formula for getting rich? For going viral? For deciding how long to stick with your current job, Netflix series, or even relationship?

    This book is all about the equations that make our world go round. Ten of them, in fact. They are integral to everything from investment banking to betting companies and social media giants. And they can help you to increase your chance of success, guard against financial loss, live more healthfully, and see through scaremongering. They are known by only the privileged few - until now.

    With wit and clarity, mathematician David Sumpter shows that it isn't the technical details that make these formulas so successful. It is the way they allow mathematicians to view problems from a different angle - a way of seeing the world that anyone can learn.

    Empowering and illuminating, The Ten Equations shows how math really can change your life.

    ©2021 David Sumpter (P)2021 Random House Audio

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