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Couverture de The Temperament God Gave Your Kids

The Temperament God Gave Your Kids

De : Art Bennett, Laraine Bennett
Lu par : Sarah Kempton
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    Do you have a child who is into everything? Your energetic, bubbly child is often the center of attention and sometimes in the middle of trouble!

    Or perhaps you have a child who is just the opposite: quiet, studious, and slow to warm up in social situations.

    Then there's the future lawyer: that argumentative, willful child who sometimes makes you want to pull your hair out.

    As parents, we all have, at one time or another, wondered: Where did this child come from? Why isn't he just like me? Am I doing something wrong?

    You are not doing anything wrong, and there is very likely nothing wrong with your child!

    The differences described above are all differences in God-given temperament. When you understand your child's unique temperament, you will have the key to unlocking his behavior, moods, and motivational forces.

    The end result is not only more effective discipline for day-to-day adventures but also a lifelong recognition of how to nurture your child's strengths as a loving and supportive parent, teacher, or grandparent. Become an active, compassionate participant in your child s social and spiritual formation and bring peace, happiness, and holiness to your family in the way God intended.

    Art and Laraine Bennett provide an accessible synthesis of classical wisdom, modern counseling, science, Catholic spirituality, and wonderful storytelling to the four basic temperaments that serve as the foundation of one's personality and approach to life. This is the authors third book on the topic of temperaments, sharing not only their professional expertise but also their personal life experiences. They have been married for thirty-four years and have four children one each of the four temperament types!

    The Temperament God Gave Your Kids: Motivate, Discipline, and Love Your Children is full of wisdom from Art and Laraine Bennett, expertly narrated by Sarah Kempton.

    Produced and published by Echo Point Books & Media, an independent bookseller in Brattleboro, Vermont.

    ©2012 Art Bennett and Laraine Bennett (P)2024 Echo Point Books & Media, LLC

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