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Couverture de The Teacher Gap

The Teacher Gap

De : Rebecca Allen, Sam Sims
Lu par : Jonathan Ray, Lisa Coleman
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    Teachers are the most important determinant of the quality of schools. We should be doing everything we can to help them get better. In recent years, however, a cocktail of box-ticking demands, ceaseless curriculum reform, disruptive reorganisations, and an audit culture that requires teachers to document their every move have left the profession deskilled and demoralised. Instead of rolling out the red carpet for teachers, we have been pulling it from under their feet. The result is predictable: there is now a cavernous gap between the quantity and quality of teachers we need, and the reality in our schools.

    In this book, Rebecca Allen and Sam Sims draw on the latest research from economics, psychology and education to explain where the gap came from and how we can close it again. Including interviews with current and former teachers, as well as end-of-chapter practical guidance for schools, The Teacher Gap sets out how we can better recruit, train, and retain the next generation of teachers. At the heart of the book is a simple message: we need to give teachers a career worth having.

    ©2020 Taylor & Francis (P)2020 Routledge


    "This is a powerful book that deserves to be very influential. Readable and searingly thought-provoking, The Teacher Gap offers an alternative view of professional learning and leadership at all levels to finally address the standards agenda. An absolute must-read for all those interested in the future of our profession." - Professor Dame Alison Peacock, DBE, DLitt, Chief Executive, Chartered College of Teaching

    "The Teacher Gap has the potential to be one of the seminal works of our time. The impact of the book will be determined by whether we are willing to collectively rise to the challenge within it." - Stephen Tierney, CEO BEBCMAT, Blackpool, author of Liminal Leadership and Chair of the Headteachers’ Roundtable

    "This is one of the most important education books written in this country in recent years because it gets to the heart of the biggest challenge our system faces. If you’re a school leader or policy-maker and you’re only going to read one book this year make it this one." - Sam Freedman, Executive Director of Participant Impact and Delivery, Teach First, UK

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