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Couverture de The Tail Fairy

The Tail Fairy

De : Kelly Anne Manuel
Lu par : Phil Schoen
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    “The Tail Fairy” was born as a poem and remains so in this newly minted Book Four of Kelly Anne Manuel’s Essentials Series. In this story, the Child is invited on a humorous journey to experience an entirely fresh and new approach to the traditional fairy tale. The animal kingdom is pivotal in demonstrating diverse layers of support to aid in child development.

    “The Tail Fairy” offers a standing invitation to the Child. Journey with the narrator who discovers an enchanting member of the fairy world. The fairy world is meant to be playful, imaginative, and fun. This book supports that theme throughout, as a new type of fairy is introduced to the Child.

    Children are naturally able to imagine events that are characteristic of a playful youth. Why not join the narrator on a discovery mission to find out exactly what a Tail Fairy is? In this story, the author encourages the Child to actively engage in flexing their imagination muscle while being stimulated with furry animal kingdom members.

    It is in early childhood that futures are being constructed. “The Tail Fairy” is a tool in a caregiver’s toolbox to assist with that healthy formation. The idea that there are layers of support for children that are different than what traditional literature provides is important to the author. The Child who listens to this book will discover that not all fairy tales have magical tail fairies.

    ©2022 Kelly Anne Manuel (P)2023 Kelly Anne Manuel

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