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Couverture de The T Guide

The T Guide

De : Gigi Gorgeous, Gottmik (a.k.a Kade Gottlieb)
Lu par : Gigi Gorgeous, Gottmik (a.k.a Kade Gottlieb)
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    Real talk about transgender experiences from Gigi Gorgeous and Gottmik

    In this fabulous, fashion-forward guide, transgender icons Gigi Gorgeous and Gottmik discuss the ins and outs of being transgender with their honest, hilarious, and GORGEOUS tales of what it means to be true to oneself-and they've picked up a few friends along the way.

    Whether you're embarking on your own transgender journey or seeking the knowledge to be the best ally you can be, there is something to be learned from every story they tell.

    Join the conversation with Gigi and Gottmik as they get real with discussions on: the gender and sexuality spectrums the experience of coming outnavigating gendered public restroomsparenting transgender children the concepts of physical and internal transitions tips and tricks for more masculine or feminine features cosmetic and confirmation surgery.

    The T Guide also includes anecdotes and advice from advocates, allies, and activists across the gender spectrum. Contributors include U.S. Senator Sarah McBride, musician Adam Lambert, and the iconic Paris Hilton.

    ©2023 Gigi Gorgeous, Gottmik (P)2023 DK Audio
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT

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